leigh patterson

Fall Intentions

leigh patterson
Fall Intentions

a recent rediscovery of Louise Bourgeois's "List of Wants" made me consider my own fall intentions...

Margaret Kilgallen

Margaret Kilgallen


1. Allow for time to think, create, read, and mentally wander. The best ideas come from this freedom. 

2. I define my self care.

3. Pay attention to details. Write them down.

4. Don't get apathetic / numb to political frustration...remember what is important.

5. Connect!

Lygia Clark and Helio Oiticica perform Diálogo de Manos, 1966

Lygia Clark and Helio Oiticica perform Diálogo de Manos, 1966

Hydration via @herthelabel

Hydration via @herthelabel

"Take Care of Yourself" by Sophie Calle

"Take Care of Yourself" by Sophie Calle

via @golondrina

via @golondrina

1971 Gay Pride March, NYC

1971 Gay Pride March, NYC