Jessica Revesz

Musings: Setting an Intention

Jessica Revesz
Musings: Setting an Intention

There's something motivating for me about the start of a new year: an opportunity to renew commitments to what I want in life and to cleanse myself of the things that might not be working.

I often find that I'm very motivated in January and somewhere along the way I let my specific goals fall to the wayside...but as we celebrate the Jewish New Year this week I'm finding it to be a nice opportunity to revisit and reexamine my "resolutions."

Rebecca Horn's "Arm Extensions" series

Rebecca Horn's "Arm Extensions" series

The Jewish New Year follows the lunar cycles and speaks to so many levels of connection (particularly female). The subtleties within the lunar calendar are challenging me to scrap the word "resolutions" and instead work toward refining my intentions for the rest of the year. It's inspiring me to move away from an outcome-focused mindset and toward one centered around how I want to feel.  


4 rules of life:
Show up
Pay attention
Tell the truth
Don’t be attached to the results
— Angeles Arrien

"Rising" by Kiki Smith, 2010

"Rising" by Kiki Smith, 2010


I'm setting an intention to be more present, trying to live fully and mindfully. It's a work in progress.

Recommended reading:
On the eight lunar phases
• Why we follow the moon


Work by Olafur Eliasson

Work by Olafur Eliasson